17  Time-varying treatments, mediators, and covariates

We’ll now turn to thinking about how to define and estimate effects for cases where treatment, mediators, and covariates are time-varying.

Before we delve into the specific, here are a couple of papers on this topic that are interesting/useful:

In this chapter, we will be using the lcm R package, which supports binary time-varying treatments and categorical mediators, and the lcmmtp R package package, which supports continuous, multivariate, and binary time-varying treatments and categorical mediators.

17.1 Illustrative example

As an illustrative example, we will use a dataset from an observational study looking at the effect of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) on the survival of COVID-19 patients, considering acute kidney injury (AKI) as a mediating factor.

Briefly, IMV is a treatment for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). While IMV is a potentially life-saving therapy in patients with ARDS, its usage has been associated with several iatrogenic risks. Of interest to our illustrative study is acute kidney injury (AKI), a critical condition that complicates ICU stays and is associated with increased mortality. The causal model underlying this problem is as follows:

The data on a single observational unit can be represented by the vector \(O=(L_1, A_1, Z_1, M_1, L_2, \ldots, A_\tau, Z_\tau, M_\tau, Y)\), with the data pooled across all participants denoted \(O_1, \ldots, O_n\), for a of \(n\) i.i.d. observations of \(O\). The associated DAG is

rounded corners,
draw=black, very thick,
text width=6.5em,
minimum height=2em,
text centered},
shorten <=2pt,
shorten >=2pt,}
{\node[minimum width=0.6cm,inner sep=0.05cm] (#2) at (#1) {#3};
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{\node[rectangle, draw, minimum width=0.6cm,inner sep=0.05cm] (#2) at (#1) {$#2$};
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
\draw[->,#3] (#1) to[bend right=30] (#2);
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
    \draw[|-arcs,line width=0.4mm,shorten <= 0.3cm,shorten >= 0.3cm,#3] (#1) -- +(#2);
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
\draw[->,#3] (#1) to[bend left=45] (#2);
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
\draw[dashed,#3] (#1) to[bend right=-45] (#2);
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
\draw[->,#3] (#1) -- +(#2);
    \Vertex{-1, 0}{W}{$L_1$}
    \Vertex{1, 0}{A1}{$A_1$}
    \Vertex{2, 0}{M1}{$M_1$}
    \Vertex{3, 0}{Z1}{$L_2$}
    \Vertex{2, -1}{L1}{$Z_1$}
    \Vertex{5, 0}{A2}{$A_2$}
    \Vertex{6, 0}{M2}{$M_2$}
    \Vertex{7, 0}{Z2}{$L_3$}
    \Vertex{6, -1}{L2}{$Z_2$}
    \node (dots) at (8, 0) {$\cdots$};
    \Vertex{9, 0}{At}{$A_\tau$}
    \Vertex{10, 0}{Mt}{$M_\tau$}
    \Vertex{11, 0}{Zt}{$Y$}
    \Vertex{10, -1}{Lt}{$Z_\tau$}

Where we are using the following notation:

  • \(W\): baseline variables such as comorbidities, demographics, etc.
  • \(L_t\) and \(Z_t\): time-varying covariates such as lab results, vitals, treatments, etc.
  • \(A_t\): type of oxygen support at time \(t\) (0: no oxygen support, 1: oxygen support excluding IMV, 2: IMV)
  • \(M_t\): indicator of AKI at time \(t\)
  • \(Y\): mortality at end of study
  • We will use \(H_t\) as a shorthand to denote all the data measured up until right before \(A_t\) occurs

17.2 Defining causal effects in this example

How can we define (total) causal effects in this example?

  • Main challenge: cannot consider static treatmemt regimes (e.g., do not intubate)
  • Such regimes would not be supported in the data (doctors would always intubate a person whose blood oxygen is too low)
  • We use modified treatment policies to address this
  • Main idea: consider a slight modification to the treatment a patient actually received
  • For example, can consider the effect of a small delay in receiving IMV
  • Specifically, we will consider a delay of one day in receiving IMV
  • In notation, the treatment regime would be as follows:
\[\begin{equation} d_t(a_t,h_t) = \begin{cases} 1 &\text{ if } a_t=2 \text{ and } a_s \leq 1 \text{ for all } s < t,\\ a_t & \text{ otherwise.} \end{cases} \end{equation}\]
  • We could then define the total effect as \(E[Y(d) - Y]\), where \(Y(d)\) is the counterfactual mortality if the above rule had been implemented every day, i.e., the intervention is \(d=(d_1,d_2,\ldots, d_\tau)\).

  • This is a contrast of the mortality rate under a treatment rule that would delay intubation by one day vs the mortality rate that was actually observed.

17.3 How do we define mediation causal effects with time-varying data?

The above causal effect could be decomposed into natural direct and indirect effects as follows

\[\begin{align*} E[Y(d) - Y] & = E[Y(d, M(d)) - Y(A, M)]\\ &=\underbrace{\E[Y(\color{red}{d},\color{blue}{M(d)}) - Y(\color{red}{d},\color{blue}{M})]}_{\text{natural indirect effect}} + \underbrace{\E[Y(\color{blue}{d},\color{red}{M}) - Y(\color{blue}{A},\color{red}{M})]}_{\text{natural direct effect}} \end{align*}\]
  • However, as before, these natural mediation effects are not identified.

  • The reason is that time-varying mediators exacerbate the issue of intermediate confounding. To see why, let us look at the DAG again:

rounded corners,
draw=black, very thick,
text width=6.5em,
minimum height=2em,
text centered},
shorten <=2pt,
shorten >=2pt,}
{\node[minimum width=0.6cm,inner sep=0.05cm] (#2) at (#1) {#3};
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{\node[rectangle, draw, minimum width=0.6cm,inner sep=0.05cm] (#2) at (#1) {$#2$};
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
\draw[->,#3] (#1) to[bend right=30] (#2);
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
    \draw[|-arcs,line width=0.4mm,shorten <= 0.3cm,shorten >= 0.3cm,#3] (#1) -- +(#2);
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
\draw[->,#3] (#1) to[bend left=45] (#2);
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
\draw[dashed,#3] (#1) to[bend right=-45] (#2);
{ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
\draw[->,#3] (#1) -- +(#2);
    \Vertex{-1, 0}{W}{$L_1$}
    \Vertex{1, 0}{A1}{$A_1$}
    \Vertex{2, 0}{M1}{$M_1$}
    \Vertex{3, 0}{Z1}{$L_2$}
    \Vertex{2, -1}{L1}{$Z_1$}
    \Vertex{5, 0}{A2}{\textcolor{teal}{$A_2$}}
    \Vertex{6, 0}{M2}{\textcolor{orange}{$M_2$}}
    \Vertex{7, 0}{Z2}{\textcolor{orange}{$L_3$}}
    \Vertex{6, -1}{L2}{\textcolor{orange}{$Z_2$}}
    \node (dots) at (8, 0) {$\cdots$};
    \Vertex{9, 0}{At}{\textcolor{orange}{$A_\tau$}}
    \Vertex{10, 0}{Mt}{\textcolor{violet}{$M_\tau$}}
    \Vertex{11, 0}{Zt}{\textcolor{violet}{$Y$}}
    \Vertex{10, -1}{Lt}{\textcolor{orange}{$Z_\tau$}}

Note that all the variables in orange are confounders of the mediator \(M_\tau\) and the outcome, and are also affected by treatment at time \(t=2\).

One possible solution to the above issues involves considering randomized versions of the above effects. Specifically:

  • Define \(G(d)\) to be a random draw from the distribution of \(M(d)\) conditional on baseline variables \(W\).
  • We can then obtain the decomposition

\[ \E[Y(d, G(d)) - Y(A, G(A))]=\underbrace{\E[Y(\color{red}{d},\color{blue}{G(d)}) - Y(\color{red}{d},\color{blue}{G(A)})]}_{\text{randomized interventional indirect effect}} + \underbrace{\E[Y(\color{blue}{d},\color{red}{G(A)}) - Y(\color{blue}{A},\color{red}{G(A)})]}_{\text{randomized interventional direct effect}} \]

  • As an example, consider the counterfactual \(Y(d, G(d))\). - \(M(d)\) is the observed AKI status of patients under a delay in intubation. If \(W\) is age, and we are deciding how to intervene on a patient who is 45 years old, we take all the AKI statuses of 45 year olds and draw one of these AKI values at random. Call this random draw \(G(d)\) - For a 45 year old patient, \(Y(d, G(d))\) is the counterfactual mortality of a patient if intubation had been delayed, and their AKI status would have been assigned to a random draw from the AKI status of 45 year patients.

17.4 Identification assumptions and formula

The above effects are identified under the following assumptions:

  • All the common causes of \(A_t\) and \((Z_s, M_s, A_{s+1}, L_{s+1})\) are measured for \(s\geq t\)
  • All the common causes of \(M_t\) and \((Z_{s+1}, A_{s+1}, L_{s+1})\) are measured for \(s\geq t\)
  • The intervention \(d\) is supported in the data, meaning that for every patient with covariates \(h_t\) who had treatment status \(a_t\), it is possible to find a patient with covariates \(h_t\) who had treatment status \(d(a_t, h_t)\)
    • In our example, this translates roughly as: for every patient with covariate history \(h_t\) who was intubated at time \(t\), it is possible to find a patient covariate history \(h_t\) who was intubated at time \(t+1\).
  • There is a positive probability of the mediator \(M_t\) for all feasible covariate histories.

The identification formula is complex, but we will explain it in the case of two time points. That is, assume the data are \(O=(W, A_1, Z_1, M_1, L_1, A_2, Z_2, M_2, Y)\).

Identification can be based on the following procedure. First, for each value \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) of the mediator, compute outcome regressions as follows:

  1. Regress \(Y\) on \(W, A_1, Z_1, M_1, L_1, A_2, Z_2, M_2\). Use this regression to predict the outcome had the mediator been set to \(M_2=m_2\). Let \(\tilde Y_2(m_2)\) denote this prediction.
  2. Regress \(\tilde Y_2(m_2)\) on \(W, A_1, Z_1, M_1, L_1, A_2\). Use this regression to predict the outcome had the treatment \(A_2\) been set to \(d(A_2, H_2)\). Let \(\tilde Y_2^d(m_2)\) denote this prediction.
  3. Regress \(\tilde Y_2(m_2, d_2)\) on \(W, A_1, Z_1, M_1\). Use this regression to predict the outcome had the mediator been set to \(M_1=m_1\). Let \(\tilde Y_1(m_1, m_2)\) denote this prediction.
  4. Regress \(\tilde Y_1(m_1, m_2)\) on \(W, A_1\). Use this regression to predict the outcome had the treatment \(A_1\) been set to \(d(A_1, H_1)\). Let \(\tilde Y_1^d(m_1, m_2)\) denote this prediction.

Then, for each value \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) of the mediator, compute the mediator distribution as follows:

  1. Regress the binary variable \(I(M_2=m_2)\) on \(W, A_1, Z_1, M_1, L_1, A_2\). Use this model to predict the probability of \(M_2=m_2\) under an intervention that sets \(A_2\) to \(d(A_2, H_2)\). Let this predicted probability be denoted with \(P(m_2)\).
  2. Regress the binary variable \(I(M_1=m_1)P(m_2)\) on \(W, A_1\). Use this model to predict under an intervention that sets \(A_1\) to \(d(A_1, H_1)\). Let this prediction be denoted with \(P(m_1, m_2)\).

At the end of these two sequential regression procedures, we have values \(\tilde Y_1^d(m_1, m_2)\) and \(P(m_1, m_2)\) for each value of the mediator \((m_1, m_2)\). Then, under identification assumptions, we have:

\[ \E[Y(d, G(d)) = \sum_{m_1, m_2}\tilde Y_1^d(m_1, m_2)P(m_1, m_2) \ . \]

17.5 Estimators and R package

As before, we can develop inverse probability weighted estimators, as well as substitution estimators based on the g-computation formula and doubly robust (DR) estimators.

All of these estimators get significantly more complex. For instance, an g-computation estimator may be developed by running the regressions indicated in the above sequential regression procedures.

Fortunately, the doubly robust estimators are coded in a package that can be used off-the-shelf without having to code any complicated sequential regression strategies on your own. Let us look at an example from the lcmmtp R package. First, let’s take a look at a simulated dataset available in the package:

data <- as.data.frame(apply(lcmmtp_foo, 2, as.numeric))

Now, let us perform an analysis where we assume our intent is to estimate \(\E[Y(1), G(0)]\):

vars <- lcmmtp:::lcmmtp_variables$new(
    L = list(c("L_1"), c("L_2")),
    A = c("A_1", "A_2"),
    Z = list(c("Z_1"), c("Z_2")),
    M = c("M_1", "M_2"),
    Y = "Y",
    cens = c("c1", "c2")
lrnrs <- c("mean", "earth", "glm")
d_ap <- function(data, trt) rep(1, length(data[[trt]]))
d_as <- function(data, trt) rep(0, length(data[[trt]]))

EY10 <- lcmmtp(
  data, vars, d_ap, d_as,
  control = .lcmmtp_control(folds = 2,
                            learners_trt = lrnrs,
                            learners_mediator = lrnrs,
                            learners_QL = lrnrs,
                            learners_QZ = lrnrs,
                            learners_QM = lrnrs)

Now, assume that we want to estimate the direct effect by contrasting \(\E[Y(1), G(0)] - \E[Y(0), G(0)]\):

EY00 <- lcmmtp(
  lcmmtp_foo, vars, d_as, d_as,
  control = .lcmmtp_control(folds = 2,
                            learners_trt = lrnrs,
                            learners_mediator = lrnrs,
                            learners_QL = lrnrs,
                            learners_QZ = lrnrs,
                            learners_QM = lrnrs)

And we can contrast the two using a convenient function from the lmtp R package:

class(EY00) <- class(EY10) <- 'lmtp'
EY00$estimator <- EY10$estimator <- 'SDR'
names(EY00)[3] <- names(EY10)[3] <- 'eif'
lmtp_contrast(EY10, ref = EY00)

17.6 Pros and cons of this methodology


  • Allows the non-parametric definition, identification, and estimation of mediational causal effects for general longitudinal data structures
  • Allows for the use of machine learning to alleviate model misspecification bias, and is equipped with formulas for the computation of correct standard errors and confidence intervals
  • Easy-to-use software


  • Some limitations remain: mediators \(M\) need to be discrete random variables
  • As before, interventional effects do not satisfy the mediational sharp null criteria, meaning that they may be different from zero when no individual in the population experiences mediational effects
    • This is probably not a big worry in practice, but it is something we are keeping in mind as we develop novel estimators